The Expanded Mind Hatha Yoga teacher Ghislaine Vaughan

Intro First Aid for the mind Quick Fixes About Contact


When the mind is free of tension and in a natural, relaxed state, great thoughts can arise.

The practice of yoga clears the mind. It is a powerful way of reducing stress and releasing tension. When the mind is quiet, we are in touch with who we really are.

The physical benefits of yoga are well known – the body becomes stronger and more flexible; posture improves and body awareness increases.

However, real strength – the kind that may not show – is what lies at the heart of yoga.

In addition to this, intuition – a valuable asset which is not highlighted in our culture – is developed by practicing yoga.

Where do we begin?

Slow down... Here's how...

First Aid for the Mind

  1. Observe the breath and close your eyes.
  2. Useful poses that require no warm up:
  3. Legs up the wall

    Legs up the wall

    Constructive rest

    Resting the mind

  4. Cooling breath – breathe in raising the arms out to the sides and over your head; as you bring the arms down in front, blow softly. Repeat three times.

More advanced yoga poses











Warrior Variation

Warrior Variation



These poses are not intended as a substitute for medical treatment. Please contact your doctor before attempting any of them. No responsibility is accepted for any injury caused by performing these postures.

Learn some quick fixes...

Quick Fixes

Refresh the mind and spirit


Ghislaine Vaughan

After studying philosophy at Kings College London and gaining her degree, Ghislaine turned towards meditation and yoga. She saw that Eastern philosophy provided a radically different approach towards fundamental questions about our essential nature, questions for which Western philosophy had no answers.

She studied Hatha Yoga for many years and experienced the link between the body and the mind and how they affect each other.

She qualified as a Hatha Yoga teacher in 2001.

Since then, in addition to working as a yoga teacher and bodywork therapist, she has been involved in pioneering work into the nature of the mind, in particular, the deep inner blockages that stop us attaining our full potential. This work will eventually be published.

This website is an invitation to practise yoga, to take a step towards the expansion of the mind, because when the mind is free of tension and in a natural, relaxed state, great thoughts can arise.

Contact Ghislaine


Ghislaine Vaughan
Hatha Yoga Teacher

Qualified 2001

Yoga classes are held in Emsworth and Chichester.

For details and availability phone: 07504 958405

Alternatively email: